Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Stylish Houses for Tiny People

The weekend prior to hurricane Sandy, I went to Washington DC with my family and toured around some of the Smithsonians. One of my favorites is the Museum of American History. Yes, I got to see the Harry Potter robe, and Julie Child's kitchen,

but one of my favorite displays was Faith Bradford's custom made doll house. Yes I said it, even at a few years shy away from 30, I'm still in love with doll houses.

I actually still have two, one is a replica of a Plantation home that's made out of cedar and includes "Gone With The Wind" style columns and  hard wood floors.
I'm sure I drove my mother crazy begging her for a barbie dream house made of plastic. But now that I'm older, needless to say, I'm still in love with them. I have dreams of bringing them up to New York where my future daughter can watch ME play house. Heck, it's one of those perks to having kids... like Halloween and taste inspecting "suspicious" candy.

In Faith's dollhouse, everything was set up as a fully staged home from the 1950's. I was mesmerized by all of the little details of each room. I thought I was creative by using nail glue to put wood shelves on the wall, but she blew my designs out of the water.

Just today, I received a link to a website selling modern doll houses including mid century modern furniture. I know what I'm putting on my list for Hanukkah Harry!

 Modern doll houses from Brinca dāda

Oh to be a kid again... but on the plus side, I'm over 18 and don't need an adult to order it for me, so judge away!


  1. Amazing! It looks like a real one. Perhaps it is expensive. I dreamt also of having a doll house. This one is a perfect gift for christmas.

  2. I agree! Nothing better than giving you kids mid century modern furniture vs. pink playschool brand.
